Day 15
I woke up restless and wrestling with the Husband. He refused to open his eyes so I let him be. It appears that the carb loading from the previous evening has loaded me up with boundless energy for the day, and the precious hormones God blessed me with (that curse those near to me) has left me a bit on the aggressive side. I decided to venture out with the beasts in tow to give the hard working husband some rest. I brought my crew with me to my new favorite store, Sports Authority, and stocked up on Gu gels for the upcoming weeks of training and race after this fast is over. I also bought some compression socks for my leg and shin issues. When I put them on, I feel like a road-runner...kind of exciting.
In food for the body and soul news: I went to Costco today and spent way too much money as usual. I knew I should have started the morning off reading the Bible and praying with the way I was feeling and it became more apparent that I forgot to invite the Holy Spirit into my day when I wanted to punch the guy at the check-out stand who yelled too loudly f

I busted out a much needed workout that made my legs wobble. The beasts kept me company. I had a colorful dinner of way too much salad and an Acai smoothie---so yummy. I'm gonna clean house then call it a night. This no sugar fast is panning out fairly smoothly...
Feeding my spirit:
My Child, do not share your burdens with all who come to you professing concern. I Myself am the great burden-bearer. You need not look to another. I am merciful and kind. I love you beyond measure. I intend to do you good; and I will bring to you those who can truly help, if you leave all in my hands. I want you to prosper and be in health. I want you to know me more intimately. If difficulties come, it is by My order and for your benefit. Others would say you have trouble: I would say you have a test.
7-10Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing!
(Ephesians 2.7-The Message)
Day 16
I woke up and had tons of energy around
4am. My muscles were so sore from last night's work-out, but it felt good. I finally fell back to sleep about an hour later and woke up with more energy. The energy was short-lived and fizzled out around 12, then I got all grumpy so I took a nap. I'm a morning person but can't function without a mid-day nap. My kids were flying around me like horseflies and I kept losing my patience then it occurred to me that maybe I should get them out of the house to burn off some of their energy. Poor boys, definitely outdoor pets.
We headed out to the stadium so I could use the pull-up bar for a work-out called "Angie" (Crossfit-W.O.D) 100 pull-ups (I did the wuss variety, jumping from a box) 100 push-ups (girl ones for me, I'm not that gangster yet) 100 sit-ups (sit-all-the-way-ups) and 100 squats. Am I a Crossfitter? not-so-much. Do I enjoy the butt-kicking workouts that make me feel like a Spartan on occasion? yes-indeed. So back to the Crossfit madness I go so I can heal my shins and still get some amazing cardio. A friend from back in the day just ran his first marathon and recommended it. He is a Marine...He ran 26.2 miles... His advice counts... The beasts brought their bikes along to keep themselves busy, looking ghetto as usual with random BMX and Baseball helmets on to protect their heads from crashes and flying lacrosse balls. Princess was fashionably dressed in her usual regal attire with an oversized cowboy hat and boots. I've always thought that she would do well selling chiclet in Tijuana...

The stadium was packed with kids practicing on the track and trying out for Lacrosse. This was a good thing and kept me focused; with so many people around, I couldn't wuss out of my work-out. Round 3 and I was hurting; I kept on... I am a gangster, power-house, burly, brawny, stalwart, sugar-free Bakersfield baked mantra for the day.These insane work-outs make you feel like a useless champ by the time you finish. It hurts so good if you know what I mean. So here I sit, my arms barely able to function again, but well worth it.
In sugar news, It's not an issue these days. I never thought I would be able to say that. It has always been an issue. A highly addictive issue. It's nice lookin' past you refined sugar and coffee-love. I am au-naturel. Hopefully it stays this way.
* My life-sustaining sample menu of the day: Protein smoothie (acai juice, strawberries, blueberries, and peanut butter); Orzo salad, 2 lara bars (fruit n' nut-bombness), some more orzo salad and filipino smoothie (mango, papaya, strawberries, pinapples, oj).
Quite convicting Spiritual food for the day:
Return to Me; for I have sought after you, but you have continued on in pursuit of your own ways. I have called to you, but you have disregarded Me. I have placed obstacles in your path, hoping that you would stop and consider and ask of Me, but you have obstinately and determinedly forged on ahead...O stubborn and rebellious child, has My love no longer the power to melt your heart? Have My words that you once treasured become of no value to you? Put down your anxieties, and trust Me for everything...You are weary and you should be strong. You are encumbered, and I would have you free. You are hindered by undue concerns, when you should be abounding in joy...Come close to Me, and I will minister to you and revive your spirit...
-Come Away My Beloved
But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.-Daniel 11:32
Day 17
My body was so sore this morning that I deemed myself useless and wobbled around for a good part of the day...My day consisted of wobbling, sleeping, laundry, a Target adventure, and more sleeping. In my weekly attempt to complete 16 loads of laundry, I found some interesting things; this week, it seems as though beauty and the beasts were on a rock collecting mission, with all the stones that accumulated in the tank at the end of each load. Interestingly, I also found some rocks and flowers in the toilet...the boys blame it on sis.

My Target adventure was exciting...I am happy to say, I am the proud new owner of a Swiffer Sweeper-Vacuum, and a Juicer! Now my kids can vacuum the house and eat vegetables that I cleverly hide in fruity smoothies. In honor of my new juicer, the husband sent me out to gather some greens for nurturing my crew. I spent $25 and got an entire garden of vegetables. This should hold me for the next 2 weeks and into the last few days of this fast.
You are never one of many to Me. You are precious and dear to My heart...For I love you more than you can ever comprehend, and I long to hold you close to My heart. Do not hold me at arms length because you have a sense of unworthiness. Have you not read that you are redeemed and brought near by the blood of Christ? Your sins are not covered; they are washed away! They are not only forgiven: They are forgotten!
-Come Away My Beloved
He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. -Epehesians 2.17-18
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely,
but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.
but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.
-Proverbs 10:9
Day 18
I woke up with intentional purpose today: turn the chaos in the boy's caves into livable spaces. My sister from another mister, Molly, came over and helped me with this feat. The boy's rooms looked great in no time. I could check that off my list and focus on the rest of my get-dones for the day. I went to a doctors appointment to meet a new doctor and quickly exited the building upon meeting the chola-gangster receptionist who started arguing with another elderly receptionist, "girlllll, you're trippin'...I didn't set that appointment, crazy-ass lady," she said. Uncomfortable... They seemed pretty unorganized, so I added to my list of get-dones: Find a new doctor. Later during the day, I met with a woman from church and we talked about life for a few hours. It was nice. She helped me refocus on what's important in life and how quickly time flies; so, settle down and enjoy the little moments. You are a runner, but don't run through life! With my mind right, I set home to begin my tasks for the evening. The boys were out with Auntie Nora, having a blast swimming and playing. They eventually made it back home with stories of how they accidentally slammed Sparticus the Legitamus' (3rd son) face in the car door and how they swam under a mushroom. Good times. Auntie Nora was concerned because when she asked if the boys wanted McDonalds, they exclaimed that if they ate too much McDonald's they would get diabetes and die...I didn't think they were paying attention when we watched Supersize Me, apparently they were. The beasts got ready
for bed and gathered around our entertainment for the night, The Juicer. I didn't realize how entertained they would be...after the laughs and jokes, we began turning the garden of vegetables into juice to store for our smoothies for the next 2 weeks.

The kids really enjoyed learning about the different fruits and vegetables, why the were good for them, and the different flavors each had. The end result was sweet and healthy juice that they chugged down in minutes. Score: Mission Healthy House, accomplished.

Distress of soul and grief of heart can only bring on destruction of body. Joy alone is a healer, and you can have it in the darkest hour if you will force your soul to rise to Me in worship and adoration. I have not failed you and you have not failed Me. It is only that you have failed yourself---or the disappointment has come on the human plane, not on the divine. Why should you allow any human experience to alter or affect your divine relationship with your Father?
Your God is your maker. He is your defender. And he is mighty to save. Yes, He is not only mighty to save from sin, but He is mighty to save from despair, from sorrow, from disappointment, from regret, from remorse, from self-castigation, and from hot, blinding tears of rebellion against fateful circumstances. He can save you from yourself, and He loves you when your find it hard to love yourself. Let His peace flow in you like a river, carrying away all the poison of painful memories, and bringing to you a fresh, clear stream of pure life and restoring thoughts. This is not the end. Press on.
-Come Away My Beloved
Day 19

Day 20

Be content with what each day brings, rejoicing in God, for surely He shall deliver you. He is the one who has brought you here. Do not question and do not doubt. Each day holds some small joy that shall escape you if you are preoccupied with tomorrow. Nothing can restore the past and nothing can bind the future...All else may seem shifting and transitory, but His Word is firm. It is a rock that shall not be moved. It is a firm place to stand.
~Come Away My Beloved
Day 21
It is finished! I can officially go back to my old ways tomorrow morning, if I should so I want to? Not so sure that I do.
I woke up this morning and went on my usual weekend long run. This time around, I brought my A-game. I felt really good and ready to run. It was a hot morning, but we made it. 9.1 miles of stony, gorgeous, winding trail, laced with streams and a massive lake to keep us in awe of our Maker.

This fast has helped me shape some great spiritual disciplines and get my entire household on-board with a healthier lifestyle. For 21 days, I sat at the feet of Jesus, reading His Word, listening for His voice, calming my anxious soul. I nurtured my mind, body, and spirit. I battled my flesh (not by my own strength), fighting against everything that was comfortable to me, submitting to the spirit and sometimes not-so-much. Sometimes, just straight up rebelling with a foul-mouth, nasty attitude, and stink-face. There were times I was just a mess and wanted to cave-in. I wanted my sugar and coffee drugs console me when I was sad, grumpy, tired. I found that if I made healthy snacks and meals readily available, stocked up things a few days in advance, and ate every two hours, I was able to function. I noticed that the days I did not make time for God and His Word were the most difficult. I had to intentionally seek Him, to not get carried away in the world or stuck in my head. Fasting brought me clarity, peace of mind, and a healthier outlook. It brought me closer to Jesus- deeper in His word, more in love with the life and people He has blessed me with, and more compassionate for the human condition. I end this night hopeful and content. To God be the Glory, forever and ever, AMEN!
Hide my commandments in your heart, and make them the law of your life. Cherish My words, and take not lightly the least of them. I have not given them to bind you, but to bring you into the life of greatest joy and truest liberty.
I have asked you to give, in order that I may bless you more. I have challenged you to pray, so that I may respond and help you. I have asked you to rejoice, in order to keep you from being swallowed up by anxieties. I have asked you to be humble, to protect you from the calamities that fall upon the proud. I have asked you to forgive, in order to make your heart fit to receive My forgiveness. I have asked you not to love the things of this world, for I would have you released from unnecessary entanglements, free to follow Me.
Sanctification is accomplished in no one by accident. Learn My rules, and put them into practice consistently, if you desire to see progress in the growth of your soul...Purity is not a gift---it is the result of repentance and serious pursuit of God.
~ Come Away My Beloved the foot of the cross