Because time seems to tick faster as my kids grow older, I've set out to be methodical in my Autumn aspirations this year. Time is indeed a treasure and I want to make good use of my days, creating lasting memories with my family. This fall, I've made a list of everything I feel is necessary in making the most of my favorite season. I have all the best intentions of marking off each activity as the days fade away, but we shall see how it goes. So far, here's whats on the agenda:
4ACE CrewFall Plans 2012
- Apple Picking in Julian
- Pumpkin Patch @ Bates Nut Farm
- Autumn Nature walk with the crew ~ collecting things for autumn crafts
- Splash in rain puddles with the kids
- Play soccer in the mud after a downpour
- Make at least 5 fall treats from my Pinterest Board (coco@inspiremecoco)
- Wine tasting with my girlfriends.
- Minimum of 4 hot dates with The Husband, *venturing out to new places
- Fall Family Pictures
- Bi-weekly Bible studies with my babies
- Watch a football game or two with the husband for more than 5 minutes
- Read 2 new books
- Feed/clothe the homeless
- Pray more, worry less
- Cultivate a heart replete with thankfulness
- Passionately kiss my husband in the pouring rain (for a minimum of 2 minutes), followed by spiced apple cider and a movie by the fire.
So there you have it. My Autumn Aspirations. Because life is never picture perfect, it will be interesting to see how this turns out :)
Hey, I can have hopes...I'll keep you posted. xo