I'm in a great new read about one of the most fascinating characters in God's story, David-a simple boy turned man after God's own heart. I won't get into details, but I'd like to mention some interesting thoughts that were provoked in the first few chapters that really stirred my heart. Given the last season I experienced in life involving social acquaintances, "friends", and intimate relationships or betrayal of such. *Much of the pain brought on by my own foolish rebellion; but in the end, there are times when our best lessons can be learned from our enemies...such destruction of our hearts can lead us right back into alignment with dependence upon our God, a strengthening of faith.
Before I get to the point :) here are some points I'd like to remember from my read:
Point #1- Though we often make bad choices when left to our own devices, He (God) knows exactly where He's taking us and the mistakes we will make along the way. In this adventure called faith we can count on Him to never lead us astray...Yes, our rebellion leads us astray, but never does our Lord. People-those of the earthly variety- look at the surface of the situation, God looks at the heart and will never be content to allow poisonous thoughts and motives to rest in the hearts of His children. He wants the junk that's in there to be set out on the table and he wants to help sort through it, break the chains, cleanse you of your past mistakes for His glory.

Point #3 He magnifies HIS name when we are weak. Facing Giants can be intimidating and doing battle may be a lonely experience because no one can fight the battle within you for you-but it enables you to grow up. Finally, Trusting God is a stabilizing experience in a world and life filled with uncertainty. The Battle is the Lords-refer back to point #1 if necessary.
Now, back to the Point:
An intimate friend is described here as knit to your soul, a kindred spirit...willing to sacrifice ..never stingy with their possessions-you can hardly impose on an intimate friend, they don't keep score. They are a loyal defense before others;not fair-weather friends in the least-and won't talk against you when you're not around. Most importantly, an intimate friend gives you complete freedom to be yourself. When you've got a friend this knitted to your own soul, you don't have to explain why you do what you do...you just do it. When you are hurting, they let you hurt...If you feel like weeping, they let you weep...If you need to complain, they listen, they don't bale, but are right there with you. You can be yourself, no matter what your self looks like.
When your heart is broken, even if your mistakes are what caused it to be broken, you can bleed all over a friend like this and she will understand. But above it all, they are honest with you even when honesty hurts.
There are few people that know me intimately. They know that while I may seem outgoing and social, I am highly anti-social...in fact, I don't even see my intimate friends weekly if even monthly although they are treasured in my heart; yet we remain faithful to one another, we enjoy each others company, and we are downright REAL with each other Those who really know me, realize that I'm an emotional spaz; hyper and happy one moment and quietly reflective or reclusive the next. They know me and still love me. I love them right back. Some would say, "wow, how bipolar she sounds :)" but not my friends...we have all come to accept and love the fact that we are weirdos in our own right.
God knew David needed an intimate friend to walk with him through the valley that was ahead of him. It was the Lords plan to use David to be the greatest king in Israel. But, in order to do that. God had to break him and hone him and sharpen him, which included crushing him.....as I read these words they seemed eerily familiar...Thank God, and I do, that He blessed me from an early age with intimate friends who would stay true during the darkest times in my life. Two that come to mind immediately are my dear friends Mesh and Molly. I met both of these girls just as I was starting out in this journey around age 4.
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Point to Ponder..... |
Another dear kindred sister comes to mind when I think of genuine friendship; The Lord blessed me with her later in life, at the start of a crucial and crushing season in life. Oh, how her presence blessed me beyond what I could understand at the time; How her dedication to God helped me hear his Spirit of truth when my own rebellion was too loud to care what He had to say. Thanks Lo.
The book said it right when it noted: there's something special about an intimate friend that causes your souls to be knit together.