Saturday, November 22, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
6 weeks later
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My Babies on the 1st Day of School |
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Sis' 1st day of Kindergarten |
Disclosure: I don't have any humor left in me or creative energy to write. I am large, out of breath, and eager for the girls' safe arrival. It is my intention to document all my troubles so the twinsies can see what I was up to while growing them. So, I shall write.
Preface: I'm coming to terms with my need to control things. After years of personal analysis, I have diagnosed myself with a slight need to control circumstances among other disorders.In my right mind, It makes me laugh to think I have much control over life circumstances, especially when kids are involved. They are unpredictable little creatures. And with the amount of children I currently have and am growing, my pursuits are even more laughable. So I started the school year with a plea to the Almighty to make things run smoothly. I asked Him...well, I told Him my plans hoping He in His mighty power would comply with my requests: Lord, I need the energy to start the year off right. I need to get my lesson plans and classroom organized. I need the twins to stay put until 36 weeks. Yes, right before Thanksgiving Break they can make their appearance. I need to keep going, going, going, getting things done Lord. Make it happen Boss...please.
In His wisdom, He responded....
Dear Rebellious and controlling Daughter of mine. While I am humored with your intentions to be the project manager for my plans in your life, let me go ahead and do as I see fit. For starters, your constant activity is making me, and your daughters, dizzy not to mention taking time away from our relationship. Your consumption of caffeinated beverages, walking 3 miles a day, and running your kids to various activities is not gonna work, sweetie. Therefore, I will place a dictator-like Perinatal Dr. and OB in your life to carry out my will. At your next appointment with them, they will warn you that you need to take it easy. Because I know you, and you will not take head to this advice, they will follow up with you 3 weeks later only to find out how stubborn you are. They will demand you go on leave for the safety of your babies and take you out of work, to your discontentment.
and so they did. I wasn't ready. I had just gotten in to the swing of things at work. I was falling in love with my students and on fire with plans for their development. Yes, the health of my babies is priority, but I was really upset and depressed over the matter. Things were not going as planned, but I complied...

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Cute Seats for the Lovely Ladies |
Anyway, 2 days later I had a visit with Dictator Doc. (I love her, but she's bossy). She noticed the girls seemed to be trying to venture out early. Dilation, Effacement, and contractions 10 minute apart. She shot me full of steroids (for lung maturation) and to the hospital I was sent. This time for 3DAYS!!! The 1st night was awesome. I was fed, bathed, and tended to often. Contractions dropped to 6 minutes apart, which was a little scary being that I was only 29 weeks along, but the Magnisium drip and some other stuff seemed to do its job and settle down my rascally uterus. I had my good friend Chae there to entertain me, and I even got a min-bed fan! The 2nd day was horrid. The nurses continued to poke and prod me, measure my pee, roll me around and strap me to the bed with various monitors. I missed my kids. I missed the Husband. I missed my bed. I was over it. Finally, the 3rd day came around and all looked well. The Doc came in and gave me the okay. I was outta there with no intention of coming back prematurely. I promised I'd behave myself and give these girls more time to grow. |
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the daily dose that kept my depression at bay |
Ok, so I got home and was on serious good behavior for 3 whole days! I felt pretty good about myself for being so obedient. The Husband was amazingly helpful in holding down the fort and serving my bed-ridden self. But how the hell does the world expect a mother of 4 to sit on her butt and watch her world go round when there's so much to be done?! I will comply and modify my activities because I want healthy babies. But I can't stay glued to the couch. It's against my very nature.
In other news: Marie Callendars was right in the middle of their annual pie sale. My mom suggested I plump up the girls in preparation for an early arrival, so of course, we stocked up on essentials. Thanks to Chae, who drove me around to run errands, and picked up the stuff that was located on high shelves while I hovered around on the go-cart at Vons. Also, thanks to the sis who pushed my wheel chair while I pushed the cart at Target.
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Swapped my Latte for a Chai Tea because it felt like fall |
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nothing fits me anymore. 50lbs later and growing |
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Chae on a pie run, 28 weeks preg. with Estelle |
I was doing something right, cause at my next visit Doc said the girls looked great! I had made it to 30 weeks and they seemed healthy and happy. Adeline, a cool 3.7lbs and Aisley, a healthy 3.11. Look at those chubby cheeks! I predict she will be big bro Adrian's carbon-copy.
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Aisley's chubby cheeks |
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Aisley has Big Bro's profile and chubby cheeks |
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Little Adeline has her momma's profile. |
Business as usual for the 4ACE Crew. Spartacus and Tator still rough- neckin' in hockey. Looking forward to next season on official teams.
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...lots of dates, to feed the twinsies of course. |
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Just a Few Things:
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St. Leila Ali |
#1. After the death of dear Leiler, and our cat Gypsy ran away to the neighbors because the neighbors fed him tuna and he was sick of us forgetting to feed him and let him in the house in a timely manner, we've been lacking the presence of furry friends....until now that is. A new little creature has moved into our living quarters; particularly, our kitchen. We don't know much about him, besides the fact that he likes tortilla chips. Strange thing, most mice (he's a mouse) will eat more appetizing snippets (I gather from the movie Ratatouille), but this mouse has forsaken the half-eaten Oreo cookie behind the stove in exchange for the tortilla chips stored away in clipped and secure bags on top of the fridge. He has nibbled through each bag in the last two days and it wouldn't be far fetched to assume if I left the fridge open, he would help himself to the salsa. He reminds me of a mouse I was quite fond of in my younger days...maybe you remember him?
Anyway, I promptly sought the advice from my closest confidants on what to do about the untimely arrival of our new little fury friend. I was to tired to do anything about him the first night I heard him rummaging around in the kitchen, (I would let him stay out of sheer exhaustion and having no mental energy to figure out a plan to get him to leave, but I feel the social pressure to eradicate him for fear of accusations of slum-like living). Anyway, the following night, my son saw him scurry across the kitchen, so I figured I'd at least bring my exhausted self to pick up the phone and figure out a plan...a few days later (I was in no rush, mice don't scare me. Now if he was a rat...different story) I picked up a few traps at the grocery store. Now here's where I know I am a pregnutz hormonal crazy: I'm starting to get sad that I'm going to do away with the little guy. The poor blind little rascal, just trying to survive, bothering no one in particular I suppose. He has done no harm, aside from the fact that he totally killed my afternoon treat of chips and salsa after I realized that he found his way inside my bag of chips. So I shed a few tears and had the Hub set the traps. We will see how it goes. Knowing my beast, Spartcus (son #3) he will probably retrieve the mouse from the trap before anyone wakes up and keep him as a pet.

My tator-head (son #2) has always been his own person, following no one's lead but his own. He has recently reinvented his style with a throw-back fade (courtesy of mom: there's no way in H-E-double Hockey sticks you'll catch me spending $10 a kid twice a month for the beasts to trim their fuzz). So I set him up with what he requested. It didn't turn out so bad and he now bears a striking resemblance to Kidd and Play (see below)
My lovely ladies just had another photo shoot at their 25 week scan. Aisley (baby B) is quite the active one and wouldn't give us a decent peek of sis. She was doing acrobatics and throwing both feet over her head in Yoga-like poses. When the technician finally prodded her out of the way, we got a glimpse of little Adeline, who was stroking her little sis's head in a gentle manner. Cute stuff. I'm so excited to meet them. They both resemble little Filipino teddy bears right now. The Husband has some very over powering physical traits I suppose.
They've really got a strong hold on my appetite lately too. The doc says I'm getting too fat and the girls need more fluids and forced me to give up coffee stating, "Quit drinking so much God-damn coffee!" whoa. She means business. I guess my over-consumption of coffee may be contributing to the decrease in fluids in the girls' lofts. I still treat myself on Fridays...and sometimes Thursdays, but the girls and I have been treating ourselves to hefty doses of chocolate in exchange. *I think it's bull-snap that my sister had all kinds of teratogens and toxins while little Bernice was in utero and she turned out the cutest, healthiest, happiest baby in the world!
Now my doc is depriving me of all sorts of pleasures: running, coffee, wine, and the like! Sheesh, this human growing business is no joke. Anyway, I've been feeling sorry for myself and I know the girls' health is more important than my Epicurean affairs so I've been nixing the toxic stuff but still allowing myself a bar or two of chocolate each day to avoid going more insane; and, there's no way I'm going to show partiality to these girls either; How unfair to start favoring one over the other in utero, so of course I give them each their own chocolate bar too. This habit has contributed to my ever-growing back side, dimples on the thighs, and beautiful stripes on the epidermis of my baby loft. Whatever, I'll run it off when they get here. For now, can someone pass the cake?!?
Now my doc is depriving me of all sorts of pleasures: running, coffee, wine, and the like! Sheesh, this human growing business is no joke. Anyway, I've been feeling sorry for myself and I know the girls' health is more important than my Epicurean affairs so I've been nixing the toxic stuff but still allowing myself a bar or two of chocolate each day to avoid going more insane; and, there's no way I'm going to show partiality to these girls either; How unfair to start favoring one over the other in utero, so of course I give them each their own chocolate bar too. This habit has contributed to my ever-growing back side, dimples on the thighs, and beautiful stripes on the epidermis of my baby loft. Whatever, I'll run it off when they get here. For now, can someone pass the cake?!?

I leave you with a few of my favorite fall memories; a look back in my favorite time of year...

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