The Eventful Month
April is quite a month for our household and always full of fun. This year it was jam-packed with some entertainment for all ages and levels of maturity...or immaturity for that matter...
Enriquez2 & 4AceCrew started our adventure off with a trip to my
home town. It had been a while since I had graced the streets of B-Town
with my presence, and for good reason. Let me inform you that these
trips back home usually end in tears and regret as I drive back home
wishing I had never gone and praying for the sanity of my family and
self (see the story of my youth for more info)...with that said, I began the week with lots of prayer and requests for God to make this trip a good one, and by good one
I mean a day of no fights, harsh words, or getting caught-up in illegal
activities (that will not be mentioned for the protection and safety of
the thugs in mi familia) wrong place wrong time kinda stuff... We headed
into town holding our breath (for two reasons: #1. the fear of the unknown,
and #2. the dense smog settled around the valley that greets us each time we visit) and whatdoyaknow, He
delivered: prayers answered, It was the best trip I have had yet. My entire family
(including myself) was on good behavior. We had a blast at the park
playing in the river, rolling down hills, chasing each other for a
beating, and seeking the beauty in this small town:
All the cousins had a chance to hang out and enjoy each other. Princess Mouse-Face got to be a wild woman and get as messy as she wanted just like I did when I was a kid.
The boys got a
taste of the cowboy life hanging out with Pop, making their own guns, and wading in the river in search for gold. We explored the countryside and enjoyed the sights of small town living. It was a nice change of pace...
We visited all the great landmarks and stopped by the Kern Museum to see some history...Momma was the best hostess and fed us well. She really knows how to have a good time and get the crew laughing. One of the most memorable weekends I've had in a long while...
We said our goodbyes and headed home, promising to come back for the 4th of July. The ride back home was good reflecting time. God brought to my heart all the times I had prayed for my family and wished peace among everyone; for years I had prayed then I gave up hope, coming back to Him once again, He delivered...For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord...-Jeremiah 30.17 I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten -Joel 2.25
Back at the home-front, it was business as usual. Sister Ugly, The E-Boys, and all the cousins came over and we had our usual fun; enjoying good company, laughs, and genuine love. I worked on some new hobbies and planted an herb garden in the front yard while I watched the neighborhood kids be kids: The neighboring clan of Somalian Refugees and my Filipino-Cowboys continued
their game of war in the streets, always making peace in the end when
they wanted to come inside and eat ice-cream (the usual peace-offering).
Other eventful moments in April included lots of hot-dates with the ever-so-hot turtle in my life who has become more of a stallion these days (or somewhat of a Clydesdale or hard-working miniature pony if you consider his height). I have a big crush on him lately...not to brag or anything, but he's quite the catch and often doubles as a handy-man, masseuse, personal trainer, and best friend. There were also lots of sports highlights as my beasts showed their stuff on the lacrosse and baseball fields...I busted my back car window out for the second time this month, but on the bright side, I do have better visibility without a back window....jpg)
To end: Lo and I got our feet back out on the trails to train for our next half-marathon. It feels great to get back out and running. We are all on a health mission in our house: healthier Spirits, minds, and bodies to be exact. The more the merrier if you care to join the Turkey Toes Trail-Runners ;). I end this month with a renewed spirit and refocused mind. The school year is nearly over, but the fun has just begun. I'm looking forward to more eventful moments with this bunch of crazies I've been blessed with.
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